Multifamily Housing: We strongly believe housing is the foundation for communities. Our goal is to create socially conscious places that people value and are proud to call home. Our multifamily housing expertise spans building types as broad and diverse as the neighborhoods they create. We specialize in a variety of housing types including tax credit, market-rate, mixed-use, luxury, and university residence halls. No matter the type, we embrace every opportunity to transform the complexities of attached housing into great living environments.
Mission Critical: We understand the design of these complex facilities requires technically proficient teams to ensure continuous operation and steadfast reliability. Together with our mechanical and electrical consultants, we bring the depth of expertise and experience required to assure both are achieved using practical, cost effective solutions. Additionally, in our role as architect, we bridge the gap between the highly technical and the plain spoken to ensure all constituents – from facilities to capital management to end user – are on the same page.
Commercial: We are passionate about the city in which we live and work. From new construction, tenant fit-out, adaptive reuse, preservation and restoration, we enjoy helping our clients create buildings that both strengthen the urban fabric and foster a sense of place.
Institutional: We’ve been a part of projects ranging from student residence halls, libraries, student unions, elementary schools and retail developments. We’ve worked with seven universities to design a wide variety of competitively bid projects with construction costs ranging from $100,000 to $40M. As with all our projects, we know that staying within budget is a priority for our institutional clients, regardless of the project’s size.