University of West Alabama-Gilbert Hall
LOCATION: University of West Alabama
CLIENT CONTACT: Mr. Bob Holycross; Mr. Danny Buckalew
CONSTRUCTION FIRM: Amason & Associates, Inc.
COST: 16,302,200
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Designed to make freshmen students more at home on the UWA campus, Gilbert Hall features double-occupancy student rooms with private baths. Entering students are greeted by a grand 2-story lobby with adjacent reception desk and recreation lounge. Graced by idyllic views of the “Campus Green”, the 124,000sf Gilbert Hall was sited to create an informal venue that can be utilized amphitheater or stage. The 460-bed residence hall also features a Café, 2 seminar rooms, a conference room, and a central laundry; small-group study rooms are available on each floor. A product of UWA’s sustainability initiatives, Gilbert Hall was designed to comply with the US Green Building Council’s LEED “Silver” certification.